
sealed class MediaItem : Parcelable

A sealed class which encapsulates the media items. This includes media items that are stored locally (MediaItem.Local) as well as media items which are not loaded yet, but their thumbnail is available (MediaItem.Thumbnail).

Use SOCommMediaClient.getMediaItemSource to get a MediaItemSource which can be used to get the data (InputStream / Bitmap) for a given MediaItem or its thumbnail. It is encouraged to use the MediaItemSource when accessing the content / thumbnail of a MediaItem, as caching is involved when accessing the item using the MediaItemSource as defined in the SOCommMediaClientBuilder.thumbnailCache.



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data class Local(val fileName: String, val mediaType: MediaType, val uri: Uri, val dateTime: LocalDateTime?) : MediaItem

A class which represents the data for a locally stored media item.

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data class Thumbnail(val fileName: String, val mediaType: MediaType, val thumbnail: ByteArray, val dateTime: LocalDateTime?) : MediaItem

A class which represents the thumbnail for a new picture created on the remote device.


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abstract val dateTime: LocalDateTime?

The dateTime of the given MediaItem of when it was recorded.

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abstract val fileName: String

The fileName of this media item

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abstract val mediaType: MediaType

Whether the given MediaItem is a Picture or Video.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)