
abstract val availableThumbnails: Observable<List<MediaItem.Thumbnail>>

The emitted Observable emits a new list at any change of available media items on the remote device. The list will only retrieve new items / updates, when an active connection to a remote device is established (i.e. when this MediaClients connectionState is in the ConnectedToPreview or ConnectedToMediaDownload state).

This field differs from availableMedia in that the emitted MediaItem.Thumbnail items contain the thumbnail to display as well (therefore, the availableMedia may receive updates of the available items sooner than this Observable, as the thumbnails may still need to be transmitted).

The returned list of thumbnails will be ordered by the newest thumbnail being emitted as first item. Note, that (in a best effort manner) the newest thumbnail will also be fetched first, and further updates may add thumbnails further back in the list.

Scheduler: The returned Observable will operate on the IO Scheduler.

See also