
Builder to create instances of SOCommOutsideAPI. Use this builder to instantiate the SOCommOutsideAPI.

Only use one instance of an SOCommOutsideAPI at a time (it should be enough to create one instance of the SOCommOutsideAPI per lifecycle (of your application / service)).

An example usage of the builder would be:

.apiKey("YOUR-API-KEY") //theoretically optional, however, you won't be able to do much on the remote device without a valid API KEY.
.debugLogs { tag, message -> Log.d(tag, message) } //optional, should only be enabled in debug builds, and might just flood your logcat.
.warningLogs { tag, message -> Log.w(tag, message) } //optional, will log only warnings, you need to decide whether you want to log warnings to somewhere (even in your production code)
.errorLogs { tag, message -> Log.e(tag, message) } //optional, will log only errors, you need to decide whether you want to log errors to somewhere (even in your production code)



A Context of your application / activity / service. This context does not need to be an activity, it can be any context of your application.


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constructor(context: Context)


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The API KEY for the remote device to authenticate this SDK on the remote device. This apiKey will be used to authenticate when connecting to the remote device.

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Creates an instance of SOCommOutsideAPI with the parameters defined on this SOCommOutsideAPIBuilder object.

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Creates an instance of SOCommOutsideAPI with the parameters defined on this SOCommOutsideAPIBuilder object for special API access (wifi-only).

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fun debugLogs(sink: (tag: String, message: String) -> Unit?): SOCommOutsideAPIBuilder

If you want enable debug-logs to be logged, provide a lambda here.

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fun errorLogs(sink: (tag: String, message: String) -> Unit?): SOCommOutsideAPIBuilder

If you want enable error-logs to be logged, provide a lambda here.

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If set to true, will use a custom dialog to prompt users to enable WIFI instead of the vendor provided dialog. Default: false (will use the default vendor dialog by default)

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fun warningLogs(sink: (tag: String, message: String) -> Unit?): SOCommOutsideAPIBuilder

If you want enable warning-logs to be logged, provide a lambda here.

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A wifi connection will be established when using a WIFI context, and will be teared down again after the last wifi context has been released.