Package-level declarations


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The base SDK interface to connect & communicate with a remote device. This is a base interface for SOCommOutsideAPI and SOCommOutsideWifiOnlyAPI, which combines all shared method signatures.

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class SOCommDeviceCommunication(api: BaseSOCommOutsideAPI, pictureDownloadBatchSize: Int = 20, videoDownloadBatchSize: Int = 1) : DeviceCommunication

The implementation of the DeviceCommunication interface to use the SOCommMediaClient with an SOComm device.

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A utility to search for active SOComm devices in the surrounding area. A bluetooth low energy scan will be performed when calling search, which responds with live updates as long as the returned Observable is subscribed.

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interface SOCommFileApi

An "inner API" to the SOCommOutsideAPI which provide the functionality to send files to the remote device as well as subscribe to file downloads from the remote device.

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The SDK interface to connect & communicate with a remote device.

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Builder to create instances of SOCommOutsideAPI. Use this builder to instantiate the SOCommOutsideAPI.

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The SDK interface to connect & communicate with a remote device over wifi-connection only.

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data class WifiCredentials(val ssid: String, val password: String, val brokerAddress: String)

The wifi credentials that are currently being used when connected via wifi. Those can/should be used when showing a QR code to connect using the wifi only SDK.