
The base SDK interface to connect & communicate with a remote device. This is a base interface for SOCommOutsideAPI and SOCommOutsideWifiOnlyAPI, which combines all shared method signatures.

Please refer to the documentation of the respective sub-interfaces on how to create an instance of the interface.

Also, the description / documentation of the methods can be found in the sub-interfaces respectively.

See also



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abstract val availableContexts: Observable<Set<SOContext>>
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abstract val connectionState: Observable<SOCommOutsideAPI.ConnectionState>
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abstract val contextsInUse: Observable<Set<SOContext>>
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abstract val fileApi: SOCommFileApi


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abstract fun disconnect(): Completable
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abstract fun getClientIdentifier(): Maybe<ClientIdentifier>
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abstract fun getWifiCredentials(): Maybe<WifiCredentials>
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abstract fun <T> publishTopic(topic: TopicIn<T>, value: T): Completable
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abstract fun registerDynamicContext(dynamicContext: SOContext): Completable
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abstract fun release(context: SOContext): Completable
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abstract fun <T> subscribeTopic(topic: TopicOut<T>): Observable<T>
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abstract fun use(context: SOContext): Completable