
abstract class TopicOut<T>(path: String, isRetained: Boolean) : Topic<T>

Defines a Topic which is used to transmit data from the SOComm device to an outside SDK client.

SOCommOutsideAPI <--- SOCommInsideAPI



Defines the path for the given topic. The path is a unique string across all topics. Think of it like the path of MQTT (just without the wildcard options).


Whether this topic should be retained. If set to true, the latest item on the topic will always be cached (retained) and on new subscriptions to the topic, the latest, retained item will be emitted instantly.

See also



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constructor(path: String, isRetained: Boolean)


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abstract fun deserialize(byteArray: ByteArray): T

De-Serializes the given byteArray into the type T.

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abstract fun serialize(item: T): ByteArray

Serializes the given item into a ByteArray to be transmitted over the air.

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open override fun toString(): String