Package-level declarations


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interface CameraProperty

All Topics in this file shall use the following MQTT properties except specified differently: NOT RETAINED QoS 1

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Configures the crop size of the centered full-resolution camera image that is moved according to the focus distance (i.e. the correction will ensure that the crop center matches the optical center). The device will keep the width and height within the allowed range.

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Configure or Deconfigure (empty procedure) Key Action Procedure on the Falke

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Publish the current time zone set by device

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Returns the display resolution of the Falke, after it has been requested via GetDisplayResolution.

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Contains the distance of object status, after triggering via GetDistanceOfObject.

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Returns the shift in pixel of the current camera resolution of the Falke, after it has been requested via GetFocusShiftCamera.

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Triggers to get the display resolution via DisplayResolutionStatus.

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Triggers to return the distance of the object via DistanceOfObjectStatus.

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Triggers to get the focus shift of the camera. Will be returned in FocusShiftCameraStatus.

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Topic to get the current image resolution.

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Install/Update Inside App on the Falke

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Installation Status published when an installation/update is carried out

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Install/Update Software Component on the Falke

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Install OS Update on the Falke

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The action of the key, either KeyAction.Down or KeyAction.Up.

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Event of registered key.

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Topic for the current live-stream configuration / status.

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Topic to get the current live stream video stabilization.

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Provide LogFilePackage to outside App

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Publish the current log level of falke

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Receive picture JPG data of single pictures via FileTopic The picture data includes all metadata which also allows to restore the original file name, i.e., ID of the picture: falke_YYYYMMDD-HHmmss.jpg

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Receive list of available pictures on the Falke. Automatically published to clients that use a context containing this topic. MQTT properities: RETAINED

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Receive thumbnails of previously added pictures

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Acknowledge the successful reception of a picture (picture data, not thumbnail!)

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Acknowledge the successful reception of a video (video data, not thumbnail!)

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Topic to get the current live stream video stabilization.

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Register Key Listener on the Falke

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Sends a pixel graphic to the Falke to display.

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Sends the given test to be rendered on the Falke display.

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Request Logs from Falke by outside App

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Request the file of previously added pictures, the files will be delivered one by one as ordered in the list to the requesting client. An empty list in should result in all (for this client) available pictures to be sent to the client.

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Request thumbnails of previously added pictures, the thumbnails will be delivered one by one as ordered in the list to the requesting client.

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Request the file of previously added videos, the files will be delivered one by one as ordered in the list to the requesting client. An empty list in RequestVideos.Params.videos should result in all available videos to be sent to the client.

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Request thumbnails of previously added pictures, the thumbnails will be delivered one by one as ordered in the list to the requesting client.

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Required to perform factory reset using topic from DeviceStatusSOService

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Topic to set the image resolution.

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Set the view Stream configurations

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Topic to set the live stream video stabilization.

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Set Log Level of Falke

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Topic to set the live stream video stabilization.

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Topic to set the video record frame rate.

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Topic to set the video record resolution.

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Receive storage status of the Falke

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Receive system status. MQTT properties: RETAINED

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Uninstall Inside App on the Falke

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Unregister Key Listener on the Falke.

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Send application package via FileTopic

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Send OS update image via FileTopic

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object Video : FileTopic

Receive video file via FileTopic The video data includes all metadata which also allows to restore the original file name, i.e., ID of the video: falke_YYYYMMDD-HHmmss.mpg

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Receive list of available videos on the device. Automatically published to clients that use a context containing this topic. MQTT properities: RETAINED

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Topic to get the current video record frame rate.

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Topic to get the current video record resolution.

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Receive thumbnails of previously added videos