Context for camera settings for all Inside Apps excluding the Open API Inside App.
Provides the following topics:
SetAutoExposurePriority (smartphone -> device)
SetWhiteBalanceMode (smartphone -> device)
SetWhiteBalanceManualValue (smartphone -> device)
SetVideoRecordFrameRate (smartphone -> device)
SetIsoValue (smartphone -> device)
SetManualExposure (smartphone -> device)
SetExposureCompensation (smartphone -> device)
SetPictureBrightness (smartphone -> device)
SetPictureContrast (smartphone -> device)
SetPictureGamma (smartphone -> device)
SetPictureSaturation (smartphone -> device)
SetPictureSharpness (smartphone -> device)
SetVideoRecordResolution (smartphone -> device)
SetLiveStreamVideoStabilization (smartphone -> device)
SetRecordVideoStabilization (smartphone -> device)
AutoExposurePriorityStatus (smartphone <- device)
WhiteBalanceModeStatus (smartphone <- device)
WhiteBalanceManualValueStatus (smartphone <- device)
VideoRecordFrameRateStatus (smartphone <- device)
IsoValueStatus (smartphone <- device)
ManualExposureStatus (smartphone <- device)
ExposureCompensationStatus (smartphone <- device)
PictureBrightnessStatus (smartphone <- device)
PictureContrastStatus (smartphone <- device)
PictureGammaStatus (smartphone <- device)
PictureSaturationStatus (smartphone <- device)
PictureSharpnessStatus (smartphone <- device)
VideoRecordResolutionStatus (smartphone <- device)
LiveStreamVideoStabilizationStatus (smartphone <- device)
RecordVideoStabilizationStatus (smartphone <- device)